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Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita

Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita
Universidad de Granada 
ORCID: 0000-0002-7144-1335

Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita is an Associate Professor in the Music Department of the Universidad de Granada since 2018 (tenured from August 2020) and has taught at the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universidad de Salamanca, and the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. She completed her MMus in Advanced Musical Studies at Royal Holloway College, University of London, in 2010, and her PhD at the University of Barcelona in 2012. In that year she received the 2012 Early Music J. M. Thomson Prize, awarded to the best article in that year by an early career scholar (awarded article: ‘Women as dedicatees of artes de canto in the early modern Iberian world’) and, in 2013, the research prize of the Spanish Musicological Society (SEdeM), which resulted in publication of the monograph Artes de canto en el mundo ibérico renacentista (2014). She has also published a number of studies of convents, women, music of the Inquisition, music in early modern urban festivities, and traditional Spanish music in journals such as Music and Letters, Bulletin of Spanish Studies and Early Modern Women. She worked as a postdoctoral research assistant for the project Urban Musics and Musical Practices in Sixteenth-Century Europe  (CIG-2012: URBANMUSICS no. 321876), funded by the Marie Curie Foundation and directed by Tess Knighton at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Barcelona, between March 2013 and November 2016. This project resulted in the publication of the collective volume Hearing the City in Early Modern Europe (Brepols, 2018), edited by Knighton and Mazuela. She was successful in Step 1 of the evaluation of the European Research Council Starting Grant 2016, being invited to an interview in Brussels, and received the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence in 2017. From January to September 2017, she conducted a research stay at The John W. Kluge Center of the Library of Congress, Washington DC, having been awarded with the ‘Jon B. Lovelace Fellowship for the Study of the Alan Lomax Collection’ (awarded project: The Relationship Between the Alan Lomax Collection and the Collection of Spanish Traditional Music of the Institució Milà i Fontanals of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC-IMF) in Barcelona (1944-1966)).


Research topics: 

  • Early modern hispanic music and culture 
  • Gender studies 
  • Women's music-making 
  • Digital humanities 
  • Early modern conventual music 
  • Urban musicology 
  • Hispanic traditional music 
  • Database and GIS technologies applied to music research 
  • Oral transmission of music

Personal webpage: