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Juan Ruiz

Juan Ruiz Jiménez
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Granada
ORCID: 0000-0001-8347-0988

Juan Ruiz Jiménez took his doctorate at the Universidad de Granada in 1995, and is currently an Académico de Número de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Granada (2020). He was one of the contributors to the Historia de la Música en España e Hispanoamérica (Fondo de Cultura Económica (8 vols, 2009-2018). Throughout his long career in research and teaching, his publications have focused on organology and instrumental music, sacred music and ecclesiastic institutions, and musical patronage and repertories from the late Middle Ages to the Early Modern period. Since 2013 he has been responsible for the academic content of the digital platform Paisajes Sonoros Históricos, a project he founded and through which he has pioneered a new line of research based on cartographical analysis of the phenomenon of sound which is fully integrated in the field of Digital Humanities. Within this platform he is currently developing the research projects ‘Cartografía de las cofradías y de su contribución al paisaje sonoro urbano’ and ‘Cartografiando Francisco Guerrero: música y contextos (c. 1545-c. 1850)’.