Urbanmusics is the umbrella web page for four overlapping research projects, the first beginning in 2012, all connected to the basic premise of researching and analysing the different musics performed and experienced in different urban spaces and diverse social contexts in the late medieval and early modern periods. The geographical focus of these projects extends from Barcelona, through Catalonia to the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe, and while the chronological focus is on the long sixteenth century, research is based on documentation and other written evidence from c.1400 to c.1700. In this way, periodic conventions – medieval, Renaissance, Baroque – are eschewed in favour of analysis of change and modification over the longue durée, taking into consideration political, religious and cultural shifts during approximately three centuries. A variety of methodologies, based on digitally inflected archival research, are developed across the four projects according to the objectives and materials most relevant to each, but common to all is a cross-disciplinary, ‘bottom-up’ historical approach that aims to interrogate and contextualise different aspects of the urban soundscape filtered through the musical experience of the city’s inhabitants. The study of spatial and acoustic contexts for the performance of urban ritual and of collective memory of the related ceremonial, developed and modified over time in counterpoint to social and cultural discourses, is key to understanding the sounds and musics heard in the urban sphere and the meanings they may have held for late medieval and early modern society.