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Library / Archive call number
Jerónimo Talavera, leg. 1, man. 12, año 1613
MS / Print
Scribe / Copyist / Notary
Locations mentioned
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Partial or complete transcription / Summary

Madurell Marimón 1951; II: 9: The nine-year-old son of the sword-maker Marcos Benet, is to be apprenticed to the obreros of Santa Maria del Mar for three years. For that period he is to serve as a choirboy ('escolan') in the choir and elsewhere in the church as is usually required of choirboys ('causa sirvendi in dicta ecclesia de scolano dicta ecclesia pro antando in choro et in aliis locis ut alii scolares dicte eclesie solite sunt facere et servire in dicta ecclesia').  Benet's son is to be taught by a master of the church the duties of a choirboy and singing, and if he drops out in the first year his father will have to pay 5l, and if he drops outin the second 15l  ('dabo et solvum vobis pro laboribus docere facere et de cant per magistrum dicte ecclesie videlicet recessari a dicto servicio in primo anno dabo vobis quinque libras et si recesserit in secundo anno dabo vobis per dictas laboribus quindecim libras').
