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Library / Archive call number
AHPB, 313/85
MS / Print
Scribe / Copyist / Notary
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Musical instruments mentioned
Music books mentioned
Partial or complete transcription / Summary

"Reverendus domini federicus de portugalia" archbishop of Zaragoza. Possessed a large number of arms, between wich is listed "vn atambor" selled to Luis Icart for "vn ducat". Also "Item a mossen Jeanot oliver dues violes grans ab sa cayxa per tres livres y setze sous". Also had other objects as images (the three kings, the temptation), "dos libres de Amadis de Gaula a  don bernat albert per 18 s[ous]", a 'cancionero general', selled to the last. Also "Item vn facistol de ferro a la seu", "Item dos libres grans de cant y dos petits a mossen strany per santa Maria L[iures] 4".

In the continuation of the auction, dated tuesday 1 of March 1541:

"Item tres libres de Cant ço es los dos grans y la hu de pergami y laltro petit ab les cubertes de pells negres al Señor Bisbe de vic per L[iures] 9"