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This two-day workshop is organised as part of the research project ‘How Processions Moved: Sound and Space in the Performance of Urban Ritual, c.1400–c.1700” (ERC-2021-ADV, no. 101054069; PI Tess Knighton). Digital cartography forms the basis for one of the three main lines of research feeding into this project with the aim of analysing the relationship between sound and space, including performance spaces, procesional trajectories and density and significance of sonic experience in the urban context.

The principal objective of the workshop is to bring together a group of international researchers who are actively involved in the generation of content and/or as developers of tools for digital cartography projects in order to discuss and exchange ideas in a multidisciplinary context with the aim of developing the field and questioning its potential with regard, in particular, for studies relating to the urban soundscape and sensory history.


The format will be that of an interactive workshop, without formal presentation of papers, but with an introduction and structured discussion (with thematically organised sessions) of shared topics relating to fundamental issues of the possibilities afforded by digital cartography, based on the participants’ own experience of working on related projects. In this way, it is hoped that an open, fluid and dynamic Exchange will result and will encourage new approaches and ways of thinking in our current and future research projects.


Suggested topics to include:

  •  Digital cartography: 
       • Historic maps versus OpenStreetMap 
       • Use and adaptation of a la carte and commercial software
  • Integrating different tools in the cartographical framework: itineraries, graphs, timelines, etc.
  • Search tools and retrieving and analysing information
  • Specific questions relating to digital cartography and the historical soundscape
  • Cartographic analysis of project content
  • Presentation of results (including digital formats in analogic publications)
  • Digital interaction between different projects
  • Maintenance of digital projects